Corporate Update Presentation
Botanix Pharmaceuticals has released a corporate presentation to the ASX this morning, which is being shared with investors as part of meetings over the course of the next week.
Key highlights include:
- Successful launch of BTX 1702 rosacea clinical study, with recruitment well underway
- Design of the BTX 1204A pilot study of canines with atopic dermatitis, which is about to commence
- Preparation for the BTX 1801 Phase 2b clinical study targeting the nasal decolonisation of Staph aureus in haemodialysis patients
- Reviewing new opportunities to leverage the unique properties of our Permetrex™ technology platform in dermatology
Our Company remains in a strong financial position, holding a cash balance of A$21.56m at 30 June 2021, and is progressing strategically forward to deliver these core programs.