FDA confirms approach to Sofdra™ NDA resubmission

Botanix Pharmaceuticals has announced that the Company has received feedback from FDA following its “end of review” Type A meeting request in respect to the Sofdra™ new drug application review that was completed in September 2023. 

FDA confirmed that the planned content of materials proposed by Botanix would be acceptable for the resubmission of the Sofdra NDA package.

Botanix CEO, Dr Howie McKibbon said: 

“We are thankful to the Division for confirming the approach and materials proposed to be included in the resubmission of the NDA for Sofdra which we are on track to file in early 1Q CY2024. 

“The team will be working over the holiday break to ensure we complete the human factors study and assemble the materials for resubmission to allow a rapid turnaround and filing with FDA for Sofdra approval.” 

Click here to read the ASX release.